Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How strong is a tiny pine seedling?

Obviously, strong enough to split a huge boulder and grow into a mighty pine tree!
The tree doesn't seem to be alive anymore. Perhaps it just needed a drink of water after a long, dry summer spell? The good news is that there is a new seedling growing next to it in the same crevice! 

Just another example of nature's magic at work.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dirt + Water = Mud Pie

I found the most adorable child's cookbook for making mud pies!
(including Mud Puddle Soup,  Wood Chip Dip, and Marigold Madness...yummm!)


My daughter and I spent many summer days creating gorgeous bakery treats out of forest materials: dirt, acorns, sticks, weeds, pine cones, etc.

Shelves to display our concoctions were made by lashing sticks unto tree trunks.  We named it, "You'll-Be-Back Bakery".      :)

If you try out some of these mud pie recipes, you'll soon notice that there IS no fighting over who gets to lick the spatula!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Awww :) What a quaint surprise!

Look what I found!
I wonder if this quiet, country road becomes a traffic jam after sundown?  ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"What is in the backseat of that car?!"

While filling my car with gas, I glanced over at the economy size car next to me. The car's small backseat was filled to the brim with 'DOG'! It wasn't a mini dog, but a Saint Bernard! I haven't seen one of those in years. What a sight:)