The following is a conversation with my Mom from this morning.
A 'typical' conversation, I might add.
Mom: I read an article in the Sunday newspaper about a Catholic Church up near Green Bay, WI. It's called Our Lady of Good Hope. Have you heard about it?
Me: Yes, it's been all over in the news. There are reports of Mary appearing to people there, and many miracles taking place.
Mom: After much review and prayer, the bishop has sanctioned the visions as 'worthy of belief'. They had a very special ceremony.
Me: I imagine many people across America will flock to it, for healings and answers to their prayers.
Mom: Yes! And last evening I met a man at the grocery store that made the trip up there already!!! The two of us were waiting in line by the deli. I struck up a conversation with him to pass the time. I asked him if he had read about that church. He said that he had been there already!!!
Amazed and curious, I asked him to tell me how it went!
He said, "The priest asked me why I was there. I told him I was there for prayers regarding my hearing. The priest solemnly moved in closer to me, gently placed his hands over my ears, and prayed softly--the most beautiful prayers I've ever heard. He then backed up, caringly gazed into my eyes, and asked me if my hearing was back. I said I really won't know until after next Thursday. With a confused look on his face, he said....why not until Thursday, my son? I said because that's when my hearing takes place."
I fall for my Mom's shenanigans ALL THE $%^&* TIME.
I agree it's a hysterically funny joke, but I still want to screeeeam everytime she tricks me like this.
I feel vulnerable.
She feels empowered!!!!! lol
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