One evening this past summer, a shrill musical sound filled the air. The tune reminded me a bit of the courtship song of the male katydid. My ear lead me to the source of the pleasant, yet mysterious sound.
Here is the little fellow behind the big voice:
Perched high on top of a hummingbird feeder, was a tree frog singing at the top of his lungs. How did he get up there?!?
The next day, sadly he was gone.
Or so I thought.
As I turned to fill my watering can, there he sat on the patio deck staring at me.
What a great opportunity to examine him up close.
For the next few weeks, I kept an eye open for him. Several times, I found him clinging to the glass on the patio door. A few times, he was nestled in a flower pot.
Sadly the day came tree frog...ANYwhere. :( :( :( *sigh*
A month went by, and soon I forgot about him.
One morning, while tugging some dead, dried vines off of my fence trellis, I glanced upwards at a birdhouse. This particular birdhouse always housed bees or hornets. I don't mind them living there, but I do not care to be stung.
This time, I rubbed my eyes, and looked again. Then I stepped closer, squinted a few times, and looked again. I couldn't believe my eyes!
No more sleeping out in the elements for THIS tree frog. He had found a real house! And just his size! Look how well his body matched the texture and color of the birdhouse.
No bees last summer--I guess his plump body blocked the hole.
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