Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am so gullible.

I have a cabin in Upper Penninsula Michigan. A person that lives in the U.P. is called a Yooper (short for U.P.'er).
I'm going to share with you an excellent example of what it's like talking with a Yooper.

Me: "So, what did you do for a living before you were a carpenter?"

Yooper: "I took a job wit dah highway department painting dah
          centerline on Hwy 2 der West of Crystal Falls.

          First day I painted 10 miles 'eh. Boss was happy.
          Next day, I painted only 3 miles. Dah boss didn't say much.
          Dah tird day, I only painted 500 feet!
          Fort day, I got fired 'eh."
Me: "How come you painted less and less of the center line with 
         each new day? Were you just getting so tired????"
Yooper: "Well, YAH der gurl. Holy wah. Each day I was gittin' farder
         and farder away from dah darn paint pail."
Me:     "Ohhhh."  

I never know if I should laugh or not because he doesn't.
I am so gullible.

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